match average (closer) for 'ouch'all match average (all) for 'ouch'all

Closer hits

ouchxkcd bulk ouch redxkcd bulk ouch bluexkcd bulk ouch pinkxkcd bulk couchxkcd bulk my couchxkcd bulk couch redxkcd bulk ouch greenxkcd bulk

Further hits

ugly couchxkcd bulk douchexkcd bulk old lady couchxkcd bulk ouch-my-eyes greenxkcd bulk blue w/ a touch of greyxkcd bulk 80s couch beigexkcd bulk couch greenxkcd bulk ouch purplexkcd bulk blue with a touch of redxkcd bulk gray with a touch of redxkcd bulk red with a touch of pinkxkcd bulk tan with a touch of pinkxkcd bulk sky blue with a touch of redxkcd bulk blue with a touch of grayxkcd bulk blue with a touch of greyxkcd bulk blue with a touch of tealxkcd bulk blue with touch of grayxkcd bulk gray with a touch of bluexkcd bulk gray with a touch of pinkxkcd bulk grey with a touch of bluexkcd bulk pink with a touch of bluexkcd bulk